
Our health program focus on improving the health status of people in deprived communities, especially women and children. Our project aimed at reducing infant and maternal mortality through the use of technology.

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About this cause

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In Ghana, maternal health is a pressing concern, with a maternal mortality rate of 310 per 100,000 live births. Lack of access to quality prenatal care, skilled birth attendants, and proper facilities lead to preventable deaths and complications for expectant mothers. Our Health program seeks to reduce these rates and enhance healthcare accessibility.

Our work

For the past seven years, we have been working with health facilities and communities in the Ashanti region to train community health workers, nurses, Heads of the antenatal care unit on how to use our Mobile 4 Life platform to register pregnant women as well as analyze the data collected.

Related project


mobile 4 life


We aims to reduce the high mortality rate among pregnant women and infants in Ghana by using mobile phone solutions to improve the local healthcare system by equipping community health workers and pregnant women with mobile phones to send and receive important pregnancy and childbirth information in their own language via text and voice messaging.

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